Well, as the entire world is under confinement, maybe it would be good for us to really think deeply into the root of this virus and global pandemic. If the rumors are true, it originated from a food market in Wuhan, China, where people ate all sorts of animals including bats, snakes, raccoons, dogs, deer, and…porcupine?? The SARS virus also spread from a mongoose-like creature called a civet, while the H1N1 Swine flu pandemic in 2009 which jumped from pigs to humans causing 575,400 deaths worldwide. Is it not clear that eating these animals isn’t such a great idea??!! I mean, mother nature is wreaking havoc and has been trying to teach us a lesson.
We have become so detached emotionally from other living beings, including mother nature HERSELF, it is outrageous. And this global pandemic is evidence that we are not living in harmony with nature or OUR OWN nature. We don’t need to eat animals to survive. Of course we have been brainwashed to think that we NEED meat to get protein. Well, that is FALSE. We can get just as much protein from plant based food. I’m not saying everyone should become a vegetarian, but I am saying that we should be more conscious of how our meat eating is effecting the planet, and how the meat industry pushes meat consumption solely for financial gain and gives a sh*t less about our health. I stopped eating meat, other than fish, nearly 4 years ago. I don’t crave meat and really dropped it quite easily. When I realized how much more energy I had, it was really easy to give up.
I also learned about the spiritual repercussions of eating meat; when you consume meat from an animal who has undergone pain and suffering, those emotions are stored in its cells, and when we consume that animal, the fear and pain is also consumed. It effects you on a mental and emotional level. Heavy meat eating can cause higher levels of aggression, anger, and generally make you more “animalistic”. It keeps your consciousness at a lower frequency and weighs you down. It clouds the mind so you don’t think as clearly. When you switch to a plant-based diet, you notice a lightness, a clear mind, and your natural vibration and frequency raises. I don’t need to tell you all the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables but I’ll impress how ESSENTIAL they are for your overall health and for your immune system especially in times like these. Plant-based diets reduce risks of disease and prevents illness.
AHIMSA is one of the yamas (virtues) of yoga, and is the philosophy that all living beings, including animals, are sacred, so we must treat them with love, compassion, and non-violence. This is why when you start practicing yoga and understanding Eastern philosophy, meat is slowly reduced and eliminated from your diet. When i met one of my first teachers and I told him I ate meat, he told me, “Stop as soon as you can.”
That’s all for now, thanks for reading and feel free to reach out:)